Oklahoma blue stone is a classic building material that never goes out of style. Perfect for building stones and decorative stone OKC, bluestone has always been a popular choice in our OKC stone showroom. But why is it so popular?

What Is Oklahoma Blue Stone?

Bluestone covers a variety of rocks. Any stone that has a blue hue to it is a bluestone. Shades of blue indicate that the rock was formed with less oxygen in the environment than rock with brown or red. For building purposes, most bluestones we use are limestone or sandstone. People are drawn to this type of stone for several reasons.


Blue is not a color that you often see in nature. The uniqueness of bluestone adds to the appeal of bluestone. The beauty of bluestone simply cannot be replicated in manufactured rock. Of course, bluestone is not merely blue. Like all natural rocks, there are slight variations, including veining and hues of greens, reds, yellow, and gray.

Although blue is not a common color, it is still a safe bet for most decorative stone OKC and other projects. It has the uncanny ability to give building any construction project a sense of the natural world and create a timeless look. Additionally, bluestone is highly versatile, making it perfect to complement a rustic or modern landscape.

Strength and Versatility

Another one of the reasons bluestone is so popular is its combination of strength and versatility. The stone is soft enough to cut into different shapes and textures, matching any aesthetic. However, you do not have to sacrifice strength or durability when using bluestone for building. A naturally durable stone, bluestone will resist scratches, making it perfect for flooring stone.

The porosity of bluestone helps prevent cracking due to ice and extreme weather changes. Additionally, the texture of stone helps create a slip-resistant surface. The ability to handle moisture, weather, and traffic, makes Oklahoma bluestone a popular building material for pools, patios, stairs, and walkways.

Care and Maintenance

Like many natural stones, Oklahoma blue stone does not require a great deal of care and maintenance. Your typical maintenance will be sweeping debris from the stone, particularly when it comes to flooring, pool, and patio areas that are frequently used.

It is also a good idea to hose off anything you see on your stone that you cannot remove with a broom. Keeping your bluestone clean will help ensure that it looks its best for years to come. Unlike painted brick, wood, or vinyl, stone does not require refreshing and updates to stay beautiful. If you want something that lasts, you cannot go wrong when you choose natural stone for your project.

Visit Our OKC Stone Showroom

Please contact us if you would like to learn more about our Oklahoma blue stone and the rest of our stone selection. We would be happy to answer any questions you may have about the high-quality natural stones we carry. You are also welcome to visit our showroom and see our inventory in person.


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